フルート奏者 大澤明子
第80回 読売新人演奏会出演。
第37回 フルートデビューリサイタル出演。
第16回 びわ湖国際フルートコンクール第3位。
第2回 アジアフルートコンクール第6位。
第5回 仙台フルートコンクール第3位。
第30回 かながわ音楽コンクール特選。
第45回 東京国際芸術協会主催の新人演奏会オーディションに合格、審査員特別賞受賞。
フルートアンサンブル団体『Flute Ensemble Ring』を主宰。コンサートの企画やイベント出演にも力を入れ、精力的に活動している。
Akiko Osawa – Flute
Born in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music and received the Takeoka Prize upon graduation.
Completed Master Programs at Kunitachi College of Music, where she received the First Prize and performed in the Debut Recital.
Performed in the 80th Yomiuri Debut Recital.
Performed in the 37th Flute Debut Recital.
The 3rd place in the 16th Biwako International Flute Competition.
The 6th place in the 2nd Asia Flute Competition.
The 3rd place in the 5th Sendai Flute Competition.
Received Special Prize in the 30th Kanagawa Music Competition.
Passed the audition for the 45th Tokyo International Arts Association (TIAA) Freshman Concert and received Judges' Special Award.
Attended Master Class by P. Meisen and M. Moragues.
Completed Master Class by A. Adrian at Hamamatsu International Wind Instrument Academy and was selected for the Premium Concert.
Performed a solo recital at the Okurayama Memorial Hall in August 2015 and received a favorable reputation.
Has studied flute under Taro Otomo, Yumiko Sakuma, Harue Sugai, and Seiko Kazaki.